How Digital Marketing Impacts on Your Sales Funnel?

Digital Marketing For Sales!

Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken.

— Oscar Wilde.

You need to understand the market where you’re trying to sell. The market is very intelligent. Most businesses are failing because they try to sell crap. If you try to sell anything to anyone with some fancy testimonials or success stories you will sell more but, your life time value for selling your product or services would be very low.

Sales is not something like you just want to sell products or services to anyone. There are multiple people failing with sales and most of them are entrepreneurs. Why is this so? Most startups fail to market their business using Digital Marketing Services. The startups invest their finance in having fancy office structure, large employee bandwidth, security over employees work tracking system, huge servers and other shits and thus left with no money to market their venture. Marketing any venture is very important and to whom you wanna market your venture matters the most.

SALES is nothing like hard pitching to your clients, if you sell to the right person by solving his/her burning problem you are all set. Talking as of today, marketing on digital platform is evolving. Back in 2016, it was like you want to generate leads, run ads on Social Media and convert them. But now if you just run ads you’re not going to get any value on your leads and eventually it would be a great loss for you by spending on ads. Your leads won’t convert.

Now, talking about 2020, if you want to generate sales through leads, there is no way you can do it for free! Just Stop! If you want to grow your business, want to take it to the next level? Then 2020 is something where nothing for free would work. Facebook is 0 when it comes to organic reach, same might go with Instagram in 2020. Most Instagram practitioner are saying that if you’re starting off don’t choose Instagram as an platform that will be offering you success for free unless these 3 things you have figured it out.

  1. You can spend on influencers.
  2. You have strong photo content skills.
  3. You have great images to share within your business niche.

Which one do you have out of these 3 things? Comment below and let us know what you have.

SMM services is not anymore organic and remember you will get traction on other new social media platforms if you have skill set. Just hiring a digital marketing agency in India or USA won’t help you to figure out with new and evolving social media platforms. And SALES is certainly not made for it. It is as simple as that you can’t physically visit to your buyers and sell them your services or product like a sales man selling water purifier, can you?

You all will need help to generate leads through social media and for that it’s not gonna be your digital marketing agencies job all alone. You have to be there. If your business works on phone call then you can continue to run lead generation campaigns. If not then better consult a digital experts and business coach that helps you to pull your business up.

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